Feste Vigiliane 2016 - Events on 23 June

Cultural exhibitions and events
[ Foto archivio Feste Vigiliane, L'Immagine Fotostudio di Dino Panato]


Piazza Fiera

Beginning of act 2 - Party with UNIPOLSAI

Free event
In cooperation with Radio Dolomiti

Musical entertainment with Punto Gezz
The quintet joins some proper music research with a rediscovery of songs that will brush up some dusty corners of our memory.

Gene Gnocchi

Entertainment of the famous Italian comedian, as well as TV host, singer, writer and former footballer.

Ron in concert
The great Italian singer and songwriter will lead us through a musical journey with all his best songs, not to be missed.

DJ Set

Source: www.festevigiliane.it 

PLEASE NOTE: for possible variations in the programme, see the official website.