History lessons - Representations. The Great War of the artists

Emilio Gentile 

Meetings and conferences , Conference
[ Laterza Agorà s.r.l]

In the wake of the History Lessons' years of extraordinary success in many Italian cities, Trento plays host to some of the most important historians to reflect on the extent of the changes that the Great War introduced in our country and society.


The European avant garde artists of the early twentieth century hated the long peace of the continent: thirty years without a major war or a revolution. In their art, they hoped for, foretold and invoked a regenerative event for the advent of a new mankind. Through visions of catastrophe and rebirth, they anticipated the apocalypse of modernity. And when the Great War truly broke out, they enthusiastically threw themselves in. Their art uncovered the horror of the mass slaughter.

Introduced by Marcello Bonazza

Emilio Gentile has taught contemporary history at the Università di Roma La Sapienza.

Free admission while places available

Tickets can be obtained from the theatre ticket office from 10.00


Source: www.trentinograndeguerra.it


part of: History lessons

organization: Provincia autonoma di Trento, Laterza Agorà s.r.l., Comune di Trento, Comune di Rovereto, Centro Servizi Culturali S. Chiara, Trentino Grande Guerra