To arms, to arms!

Cultural exhibitions and events
[ © Castello del Buonconsiglio]

On Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 August, in the incomparable setting of the largest castle in Trentino, the traditional appointment with the historical reenactment groups from all over Europe lets us return to the past, to the life at the castle with warriors in armor and other actors in period costume.

Several historical reenactment groups will take turns and the large square of the castle will be the scene of battles, horse riding performances, duels, assaults.

Camps with tents, primus stoves, armories and workshops will allow the evocation of a real split of military and civilian life. Visitors can interact with soldiers, knights, sutlers and artisans who will lead them in a charming journey through the history of the castle.

12 groups of historical re-enactors (also from Belgium and Germany)

5 market stalls (wood, leather, iron, medicinal potions etc.)

"The village of games” by the Compagnia S. Giorgio e il Drago: 12 ancient games and entertainers in period costumes.

Hortus Musice: itinerant musicians

The Devil’s Jesters with the show “Frà Diavolo”

Bruno,  the special herbalist

Hocus Pocus    


  • full price ticket € 7
  • reduced price ticket € 5

It is possible to walk to the castle. or else to take a free shuttle on Saturday from 9.30 to 23.00, and on Sunday from 9.30 to 18.30.


freephone number  800 013952 - Monday - Friday: 14-18

Info at the castle at the weekend of the event:  tel. 0464-834600

Info at the castle at the weekend of the event: tel. 0461-499259 For further info about the show, see here: Centro Servizi Culturali Santa Chiara .