Trento Film Festival: film showings

Come to my voice di Huseyin Karabey [ Trento Film Festival]

18.30 Contest
Tau Seru Rodd Rathjen / 8' / Australia, India / 2013
Alberi che camminano Mattia Colombo / 58' / Italy / 2014

21.00 Previews
Come to my voice Huseyin Karabey / 101' / Turkey / 2014


Afternoon ticket (until 18.00): € 5 - reduced € 4
Evening ticket (after 18.00): € 7 - reduced € 5

Daily ticket: € 12
Subscription for all film showings (2-10 May): € 40
Reduced subscription for owners of Carta dello Studente (Student’s card) and Tessera Unisport (Unisport card): € 20

organization: Trento Film Festival