Spring in the air

From the San Michele Castle to the MAG Alto Garda Museum, to the Buonconsiglio Castle, the Muse, the Mart and much more: the cultural offer in Trentino is flowering these days


The museums are almost all open on Easter Day and Easter Monday, as well as on 25 April and 1 May. Yet, please note that the Tridentine Diocesan Museum will be closed on Easter Day.

What's more, on the next weekend the much appreciated rendez-vous with the the Castle Route Train “Trenino dei Castelli ” are starting again, and just a few days ago the Castel Valer  has been opened to the public (guided tours only) 

As to the castles, Castel Thun, Castel Caldes, and Stenico  are of course not to be missed, and in Trento, at the Buonconsiglio Castle, some few days are left to visit the exhibition Chiesa, Impero e turcherie. Giuseppe Alberti pittore e architetto nel Trentino barocco  (Church, Empire and Turquerie. Giuseppe Alberti, painter and architect of the Trentino Baroque movement).

At the Museo diocesano tridentino - The Tridentine diocesan museum, in piazza Duomo, the exhibition Fratelli e sorelle. Racconti dal carcere (Brothers and sisters: stories from the prison), introduces the visitor into a world apart which is the prison. A world of imagined or real spaces, inhabited or not, of silences, sounds, words, memories, voices and stories.

At the Muse, the exhibition Estinzioni (Extinctions) is part of an ambitious project that puts in relation the research and reflections on the sixth mass extinction - the ecological crisis we are experiencing - with the dynamics that characterized the five great paleontological extinctions occurred over the last 500 million years.

Don’t forget to visit in Trento Le Gallerie di Piedicastello, Fondazione museo storico del Trentino - Trentino history museum foundation, the Tunnels of PiedicastelloThe 300 metre long Black Tunnel takes visitors into an immersive and dramatic journey from the Neolithic to the contemporary age with the exhibition Novembre 1966: storia della difesa del territorio in Trentino (November 1966: history of the defense of the terrirory in Trentino).

The Tunnels also host the exhibition Zhdat': dalle Alpi alla Siberia. Paesaggi di oggi, storie di ieri (1914-1920)  (Zhdat': from the Alps to Siberia. Today's landscapes, with yesterday's stories (1914-1920) which is worth seeing.

Forte Cadine is open too (from 15 April to 4 June: open on Saturday and Sunday from 10.00 to 18.00. Special openings: 17, 24 and 25 April; 1 May; 2 June).

The S.A.S.SSpazio Archeologico Sotterraneo del Sas (Tridentum. S.A.S.S. - Underground Archaeological Site SASS) is open all days, also on Easter Monday (9-13/14-17.30) and it's possible to visit the exhibition Ostriche e vino. In cucina con gli antichi romani (Oysters and wine: in the kitchen with the Ancient Romans), which gives us a glimpse on food culture in ancient times along the river Adige, with finds from the archaeological investigations in Trentino.

The Museo Retico (the Rhaetian Museum) and the Museo delle Palafitte di Fiavé (Museum of Pile dwellings of Fiavéare open on 15, 16, 17 April from 14.00 to 18.00.

Don't miss the Museo degli usi e costumi della gente trentina  (Museum of the habits and customs of the people of Trentino) in San Michele all’Adige: it deserves our attention with its almost 9.000 manufactured items dedicated to the rural life in the Trentino mountains; it is considered one of the most important museums of folk life and crafts in Italy, and is one of the largest of its kind in the Alpine range.(http://www.museosanmichele.it/informazioni/orario-e-tariffe ).

South of Trento, a lot of surprises are waiting for us at the Mart  of Rovereto as well as at the Casa d’arte futurista Depero and Galleria Civica di Trento, respectively with the exhibitions: Words and Stars. Grazia Toderi and Orhan PamukPerformance. Private body and social body  and Almanacco 70. Architecture and Abstraction .

Then, with Altitudini della visione. Il digradare del paesaggio dalle Alpi al Garda. Fotografie 1880-1930 (Altitudes of vision. The softening of the landscape from Alps to Garda | Photographies 1880-1930), with La figurazione del paesaggio. Affinità di vedute in Pinacoteca (Figuring landscape. Affinities of views in the Pinacoteca) and with an exhibition and research programme that flows into the project Segantini and Arco, the Museo Alto Garda  lets its Spring proposals bloom in its two museums of Riva and Arco (orari ).

Last but not least, Arte Sella  will welcome us with its open air encounter between nature and art!

Happy Easter holidays to everybody!






