Music Sundays 2017

Twenty-second year


In 1996 Giorgio Ulivieri “invented” this successful music festival, a series of events conceived for a wider audience where the art world, with music as protagonist, is proposed and shown in all its forms, genres and styles.

Free admission

What is a poet for?

Sunday 15 January 2017

Casino · Arco

Resonating strings and sounds for sighing

Sunday 22 January 2017

Casino · Arco

En-chants of voices, strings and reeds

Sunday 29 January 2017

San Gabriele Oratory · Arco

organization: Assessorato alla cultura del Comune di Arco, con la collaborazione della Camerata Musicale Città di Arco e di Lega Vita Serna e il sostegno della Cassa Rurale Alto Garda